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Annual Meeting Of Stockholders



The annual meeting of stockholders of [Corporation Name] was held at [Time of Meeting], on [Date of Meeting]. The meeting was called to order by President, who chaired the meeting, and Secretary, kept the record of the meeting.

The Secretary stated that the following stockholders were present in person:
Names Number of Shares

[Name of shareholder(s) attending] [Amount of shares owned by shareholder]

and that the following stockholders were represented by proxy:
Names Number of Proxies Number of Shares

[Name of shareholder(s) absent] [Amount of proxies] [Amount of shares owned by shareholder]

The Chairman then reported that there were present in person and represented by proxy the number of shares necessary to constitute a quorum to conduct business. The proxies presented were directed to be filed with the Secretary of the meeting. The Chairman then stated that the next business to come before the meeting was the election of the Board of Directors to serve for the upcoming year. The following were nominated as directors:

[Names of Nominees]

No other persons were nominated.

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the nominations were closed. The ballots of the stockholders were presented and the Secretary reported that he/she had received a plurality of the votes.

The Chairman then declared that the aforementioned persons were duly elected directors of the Corporation to hold office for tile upcoming year.

No further business coming before the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned.
